This guide will walk you through how to create and sign-up for your Newline Secure account.
Please visit the Newline Secure Portal
Select the ‘Create Account’ option in order to begin registration
Enter your email in the provided field and select ‘Create Account’
Enter your organization name in the provided field and select ‘Create Account’
You will be redirected to a login page and will receive a pop-up message to you verify your email.
Please login to your associated email account and click the link to verify your email address.
After email verification, you will be asked to set your password.
After setting your password, your account has now been created!
Congratulations, you have successfully created and registered your Newline Secure account!
Please continue on to either the Singlewire or Centegix integration guides in order to proceed with the setup of Newline Secure.
If you have questions or need assistance with the Newline Secure portal, please contact Newline Technical Support: